Students may arrive at the school from 8:30am. At this time they may go into their classroom with their teacher.
Lessons formally commence at 8:45am.
School finishes at 3:30pm.
It is possible to arrange to bring your child before and after these times. This must be arranged with the Head.
The school day is from 8:45am to 3:30pm Mondays to Fridays. To develop independence and responsibility students, not parents, are expected to unpack their school bags and place their diaries, homework and stationery in the correct place before the day begins at 8:45am. The school may at the beginning of an academic year change the finishing time slightly and you will be advised prior to the commencement of the year.
We would like to remind you to be punctual for the start of lessons. The school door will be closed at 8:45am.
It is important that you show consideration to our staff by picking your child up promptly at closing time.
School Timetable
Every activity within the normal school timetable is compulsory. If a student is excluded from any activity, he/she must have a letter from their parents or a medical certificate, which must be handed to the class teacher.
A two course hot meal is provided by Elior.
Morning snack
We have a break mid-morning and students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack.
Students from Reception to Year 6 will be required to bring their own iPad.
After-School Activities
We does not provide after-school activities.